Stahl Magyarország Kft.

A Stahl Schaltgeräte GmbH. hivatalos képviselete

Társadalmi felelősségvállalás:


Magyarország Kft.

1154 Budapest,
Kozák tér 13-16.

Telefon: +36 (1) 433-3360

Fax: +36 (1) 433-3361


2013.12.13. 00:00



Let’s talk about ourselves,

our company is mainly sales.

We are a distributor company,

of the STAHL whose seat is in Germany.

Raphael Stahl was the founder of the enterprise,

more than 100 years prove that it’s worth its price.

All started with sewing machines in 1876,

gold medal awarded products, with technical tricks.


In 1921 STAHL introduced his selection,

with the products of explosion protection.

Since this year the firm is expert in this area,

whether it’s lighting, boxes or camera.


I mentioned a few products, but the list is long,

Let’s check separate where we are strong.

There are 3 main areas where we perform well,

We will jump them quick like a gazelle.


The theme could be a little bit dry,

Rhymes in business, please don’t try!

So here comes our selection,

thank you for your attention!


by Attila Szenczy

Legfrissebb híreink

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